Tips for Gardeners: How to Grow Grapes Properly

30.06.2023 13:01
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Grapes are a tasty and healthy berry that is not so difficult to grow. In the article we will tell about the main secrets.

Where is the best place to plant grapes

The main requirement for planting any variety of grapes: the place where you are going to plant a vineyard should be sunny and well protected from the wind. Usually, the sunny sides of houses, walls, fences, hedges are used for this purpose. The soil must be fertile.

What kind of soil is suitable

Loose, fertile, not too wet soils are ideal for grapes. Waterlogged, dense clayey, moisture-intensive soils are categorically not suitable for grapes, rocky ones are better then. In terms of acidity, neutral and slightly alkaline soils will be good (6.5-8.0 pH is the optimal level).

How to prepare land for planting grapes

Soil preparation begins with cleaning the site from weeds, debris, stones, shrubs, etc. The pits and recesses are filled up, after which the surface is leveled and the rotted manure is scattered with a layer of up to 10 cm, mixing it with the ground to a loosening depth.

How to water grapes

Usually at this time the soil is moistened 3 times. The water consumption in the process of moisture-charging irrigation of grapes comes from 13 gallons per 1 adult bush. In the summer, vegetative irrigation of the soil is usually done to maintain a normal level of moisture in the vineyard.

Photo: Pixabay

What is the best way to fertilize grapes

Grapes are best fertilized with calcium, boron, phosphorus, potash, and nitrogen fertilizers in order to get a quality crop and improve the condition of the crop.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where is the best place to plant grapes
  2. What kind of soil is suitable
  3. How to prepare land for planting grapes
  4. How to water grapes
  5. What is the best way to fertilize grapes