Tips for Growers: How to Properly Grow Platycodon

04.07.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Platycodon is a plant from the Saxifrage family (Campanulaceae), the genus of which includes several dozen species.

Where is the best place to plant platycodon

Find a place for Platycodon in a sunny area (although the plant tolerates partial shade well) with loose, rich, well-drained and not very wet soil. The ideal soil for the plant is neutral loam, which includes a small amount of sand.

Young Platycodon is afraid of frost. Therefore, it is planted in open ground in late May, early June. Choose an open sunny place or partial shade.

How often to water platycodon

It must be carried out every day for the first 14 days. Then the plants are watered no more than 1 time in three days and not so much water is poured onto one bush.

How to fertilize platycodon

Plants respond well to regular mulching with loose organic matter (leaf and manure humus, peat, compost), in which case additional feeding is not necessary. In the absence of organic mulch in the spring, you can fertilize Platycodon with a full mineral fertilizer over moist soil.

Photo: Pixabay

Do I need to pinch platycodon

To keep the platycodon from stretching, you need to pinch the stems from time to time. Old bushes practically do not need care, except that in the spring they can be fed with complete mineral fertilizer on moist soil. Before winter, the stems of the plant are cut at ground level.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where is the best place to plant platycodon
  2. How often to water platycodon
  3. How to fertilize platycodon
  4. Do I need to pinch platycodon