Tunbergia: Growing and Care

20.01.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Tunbergia is a decorative-flowering tropical liana, which can be grown in the garden and as a room plant.

When to plant seedlings in open ground

It is important not only to wait for the suitable air and soil temperature, but also to protect seedlings from spring frosts.

In this case, the soil should warm up to at least 15 ºC.

Seeds should be sprinkled with a thin layer of the substrate, and then the crops are carefully watered.

Then the containers should be covered with a film or glass and removed on the windowsill, which should be well lit, but do not forget to protect crops from direct sunlight.


Remember that the substrate in the containers should be constantly slightly moisturized.

In order for the seedlings to appear as quickly as possible, they should be put to the place where the air temperature will be in the range from 22 to 24 degrees.

If everything is done correctly, then the first shoots can be seen 7 days after sowing.

As soon as this happens, remove the shelter.

Tunberg care at home

In early September, when indoor plants were removed to the balcony or in the garden, they need to be returned to the room, having previously removed all damaged and weak shoots.

It is also recommended to spray plants with a preventive agent from diseases and pests.

How to water

Throughout the year, tunbergy must be constantly watered and not to completely dry the soil.

Usually, the plant tolerates dry air very well, but, despite this, it is advisable to sometimes spray the tunbergy with warm water.

How Tunbergia propagates

Tunbergy is propagated by cuttings, which are planted in a mixture of sand and expanded clay, providing them with constant lighting.

As soon as the cuttings take the roots, they will need to transplant them to another land and pinch them.

You can also grow a plant from seeds that need to be sown in early spring or late winter.

Previously, we told how to grow ligularia.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When to plant seedlings in open ground
  2. Tunberg care at home
  3. How to water
  4. How Tunbergia propagates