Useful Tips: How to Grow Calendula

04.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Calendula is able to scare away the Colorado potato beetle; the elderly are planted on potato beds. Ticks and neptodes also do not complain about calendula. Use calendula to protect strawberries and strawberries from aphids.

Planting calendula

It is better to choose a sunny place. In the shade, the flowers are not only paler, but there are fewer of them, and the plants themselves are drawn out. Sow calendula seeds directly into the ground in early spring: in April or May. You can even in the winter - in October.

Plants tolerate poor soils well, grow fully on any garden soil, but prefer loose, moderately moist and humus-fertilized soil.

This can be embedded in the ground, laid in compost and used in the construction of warm beds. Marigolds disinfect the soil from pathogens. Planted next to roses, they will save the "queen of flowers" from many diseases.

How to care for calendula

Caring for calendula is simple, it is timely watering, fertilizing, weeding and periodic loosening of the soil.

Photo: Pixabay

Calendula loves a slow-release fertilizer, so it's best to use organic compost or mulch. They improve gas transpiration, thermally insulate the plant, and slowly release additional organic matter into the soil.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Planting calendula
  2. How to care for calendula