Why apples crack: Gardening insights

19.09.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you grow apples, then you can sometimes notice that some apples have small cracks on them.

Apples can crack, which means they develop small splits or lines on their skin, usually because of changes in their growth and weather. 

Let's find out whether it's natural and safe to eat.

Weather affects it a lot

Apples have a skin that protects them while they grow on the tree. 

Sometimes, if the weather is really dry and hot, the inside of the apple can grow faster than the skin can stretch. 


It's like when you wear tight shoes, and your feet can make the shoes look wrinkled. 

When this happens, the skin of the apple can't stretch enough, so it cracks to make more room for the growing fruit inside. 

Water can also cause it

Cracks can also occur if the apple gets a sudden dose of water after being very dry for a while. 

This causes the apple to expand quickly, which can lead to cracking.

They are safe to eat

While cracked apples may not look as pretty, they are usually still safe to eat. 

You can simply cut away the cracked part if you prefer, and the rest of the apple should be just fine.


Cracks don't always mean pests or infections - sometimes it's just a natural process of apples growing too fast.

Therefore, you can eat them safely, or use them for cooking - they're as tasty as they should be, even with some cracks on them.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Weather affects it a lot
  2. Water can also cause it
  3. They are safe to eat
  4. Conclusion