Why you should prune currant bushes after fruiting: Gardening tips

18.06.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Proper and regular pruning benefits all garden plants, including currant bushes.

Cutting old branches after fruiting, you can make your plants more healthy and productive later.

Here's why you should prune currant regularly.

Stimulates new growth

Pruning encourages the growth of new branches and shoots, which leads to a fuller and more productive plant. 

By removing old, unproductive wood, you create space for fresh growth and improve the overall structure of the bush.


Enhances air circulation

Pruning helps to improve air circulation within the plant, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. 

Opening up the center of the bush allows sunlight and air to reach all parts of the plant, promoting better foliage growth and fruit production.

Controls size and shape

Regular pruning helps maintain an appropriate size and shape, making it easier to manage and harvest the fruit. 

It also ensures that the plant receives adequate sunlight, which is essential for fruit ripening.

Increases fruit quality

By removing excess branches, the plant can allocate more nutrients and resources to the remaining fruit-bearing branches, resulting in improved fruit size, flavor, and sweetness.

Prevents disease and pest problems

Removing old and diseased wood through pruning helps prevent the spread of diseases and pests. 

It also allows for better inspection of the plant, making it easier to detect and address any potential issues early on.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Stimulates new growth
  2. Enhances air circulation
  3. Controls size and shape
  4. Increases fruit quality
  5. Prevents disease and pest problems