Yucca: How to Grow

19.12.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Yucca plants are low-maintenance and do not require specially formulated soil.

How to grow

Yucca grows in sandy areas. Indoor Yucca should be planted in loose, well-drained soil.

For planting, you can buy an inexpensive potting mix and mix it with sand and perlite to improve drainage.

How to grow yucca in open ground

You need to plant yucca in open ground in the spring, in which case it will have time to build up a fairly powerful root system, become stronger and adapt to unfavorable conditions for itself.

Plant only when night temperatures do not fall below 10 degrees Celsius.


The planting hole needs to be made deeper. About 50-60 cm.

What to plant next to yucca

Their companions are agaves, palm trees and bananas.

But several species live in the mountains, where conditions are less comfortable.

They can be grown in open ground in temperate climates.

What Yucca doesn't like

Yucca needs bright light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight; it can leave burns on the leaves, so the lighting for it must be diffused.

The plant feels best near western or eastern windows.

Previously, we talked about the mistakes of growing aloe vera.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow
  2. How to grow yucca in open ground
  3. What to plant next to yucca
  4. What Yucca doesn't like