These plants cannot be planted next to a rose: the rules that every summer resident should know

23.04.2022 17:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:19

Roses are capricious in the cultivation and care of plants, but are loved by gardeners very much for their beauty and fragrance.

Planting them on a plot in a flower garden, there is no doubt that it will become an ornament. However, it is not as easy as it seems to pick up rose's neighbors.

It does not allow the company with many plants that can not only negatively affect her flowering, but also her existence as a whole.

Early blooming

On various forums, you can often find recommendations for planting bulbs in one flower garden to a rose. There is an opinion that early flowers will decorate the flower garden, because the rose blooms late. However, there is a danger in this.

Bulbous, for example, tulips or daffodils need to be dug up every year. This process can severely damage the root system of the rose.

Foto: Pixabay

Early blooming, but without the need for digging, are also not ideal neighbors. The rose needs to be prepared early in spring for growth and flowering, respectively, small flowers may suffer, because the bush will have to be bypassed, work with it as intensively as possible.

Such flowers are generally not the best idea. They will quickly shed the color and leaves, leaving the flower bed in a very sad state. It definitely won't decorate a rose.

Unwanted companions

Before planting a neighbor to a rose, it is necessary to consider carefully the decorative nature of the plants. For example, begonias or dahlias with a rose bush do not match at all. They bloom at about the same time and the voluminous bushes will simply overshadow the queen of the garden.

They require a lot of moisture, take away all the nutrients. In addition, they also need to be dug out for the winter season, and this creates a danger to the root system.

Lily is in great doubt. Many summer residents speak well of the culture as a wonderful neighbor for rose bushes. But this is not the case. The fact is that the thorny crop needs mulching with manure as a source of the elements it needs. And lilies do not tolerate this organic matter.

Some oriental varieties are acceptable for combining. She and Rose require the same amount of water and winter shelter. But the nuance is that lilies exude a strong fragrance, drowning out the rose.

Another undesirable neighbor is iris, which is often recommended by gardeners. The culture blooms brightly and colorfully, has an unusual bud shape, but quickly fades and leaves the rose alone with cut and dry stems of irises. And they also have a different perception of water. The volumes needed by a rose can negatively affect a neighbor who prefers a minimum of moisture.

Extremely dangerous companions

Placing plants in the same flower garden with roses, you need to carefully get acquainted with their character. Some seemingly harmless crops may turn out to be aggressors, propagating by roots lying at great depth.

Their root system will destroy the roses. But even if you notice the growth in time, it is almost impossible to get rid of it. The most dangerous is verbena. It is often used together with roses to make bouquets, but they are forbidden to grow on the same territory.

No less dangerous are all kinds of plants covering the soil. Creeping ones can envelop the entire flower garden with roses in a few weeks, take all the nutrients and destroy them eventually. They show themselves well on alpine slides, behind the fence of the garden along its perimeter, but not as a neighbor with tender crops.

A rose is a real treasure of any garden. Summer residents try to put it as an accent, decorate flower beds, presenting it from the ideal side.

But all this will be impossible if unsuitable companions are planted next to her, taking away nutrients, ruining the root system and overshadowing the delicate aroma of delicate buds.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Early blooming
  2. Unwanted companions
  3. Extremely dangerous companions