What water and rag to wash laminated flooring so that you do not have to change the floor: an unfortunate mistake of housewives

03.04.2022 19:15

Laminate sometimes has to be changed because of the unfortunate mistake of the housewives.

Not all housewives with such flooring properly care for it.

Tritely improper washing of the laminate can lead to its deformation.

When choosing laminate flooring, buyers often focus on its strength, durability, wide range of beautiful colors and design options.

However, the fact that the laminate requires cleaning in a special way, buyers often forget to ask.

wash laminated flooring
Foto: Pixabay

The peculiarity of washing a laminate is that such a floor cannot be watered abundantly with water and crawled over it with a mop, from which water flows.

Laminate can be waterproof, but it cannot be waterproof.

Due to moisture, the floor can swell and deform after several years of regular wet cleaning.

Laminate flooring should be cleaned with a microfiber cloth lightly dampened with water. It is not necessary to pour water on the floor, only moisten a rag.

Do not use abrasive products that may scratch the floor, and do not use liquid floor cleaners. They can leave a cloudy film on the laminate.

If the floors need to be washed thoroughly, add a spoonful of vinegar to the bucket.

The ideal option is to buy a special microfiber mop for dry cleaning floors.

Cope with cleaning the laminate and a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for wet cleaning of floor coverings.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource