Why experienced gardeners spray roses with milk: the explanation will surprise

26.04.2022 17:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:49

Many seasoned gardeners perform an unusual action: they water roses with milk.

Moreover, the drink is not used in its pure form, but with additives.

The implementation of the procedure, despite its seeming strangeness, is of great importance and only positive consequences.

Therefore, the milk mixture helps protect beautiful flowers from a common pest.

Why do roses need milk

A product based on a drink eliminates the negative consequences of an aphid attack on a flower garden.

Foto: Pixabay

After watering with milky liquid, the insect stops attacking roses, and this effect persists for a long time.

How to prepare the remedy

Of course, milk is not the only ingredient in a pest control product.

You will also need a component such as iodine. Half a milliliter of this product must be added to a container where clean water was previously poured. The volume of liquid should be 1 liter.

Next, the solution should be mixed with milk (100 ml). The result is a product that remains only to be poured into a plastic spray bottle.

The procedure for spraying roses is simple: just sprinkle the flowers with drops of the resulting mixture.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Why do roses need milk
  2. How to prepare the remedy