Why polish the bathroom mirror with toothpaste: all housewives should know about this life hack

11.04.2022 16:15

To most housewives, polish a mirror with toothpaste may seem like a pointless and stupid act.

However, in reality, this simple process helps to solve a common problem associated with the bathroom.

We are talking about the rapid fogging of the mirror.

The appearance of condensate on the mirror surface significantly complicates the implementation of many hygiene procedures.

Therefore, it is difficult to see the face, apply makeup, shave, and put oncontact lenses.

Foto: Pixabay

Of course, you can simply wipe the misted mirror with a towel.

However, the effect won't last long. In addition, numerous stains will appear on the surface.

Waiting for the condensation to disappear is too long. I wish the mirror didn't fog up at all.

Moreover, this is easy to achieve. Just for such purposes, a person will need toothpaste.

How to properly apply the product on the mirror

You need to take a cotton pad and squeeze a little toothpaste out of the tube onto it.

Next, gently wipe the mirror. Of course, you do not need to leave the product on the surface: it should be washed off with water.

The result will be the appearance of an invisible film on the mirror, on which condensation will not appear.

In addition, toothpaste helps to quickly remove all dirt from the surface: no dirty marks will remain on the mirror.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource