Why you should put a glass of vinegar and salt on the floor: result in a day

18.03.2022 18:45
Updated: 23.03.2022 13:42

No doubt that vinegar and salt can be found in every kitchen. However only several housewives know that the sphere of usage of these two products is wider than cooking.

Vinegar will avoid growth of weeds, remove spots on clothes, cure tonsillitis and avoid unpleasant smell.

Salt is useful while cleaning the flat and drying the air in the rooms.

Air fresheners which have been bought in a shop usually bring a bad smell. This unpleasant smell mixes with other bad smells in the flat.

Swipe with vinegar all furniture surfaces in your flat and spay it on the corners of the rooms in order to remove unpleasant smell.

Foto: Pixabay

How to use salt and vinegar for cleaning the flat

You should know the good method to freshen air in your rooms and remove negative energy in the flat. 

If you spend a lot of time in the room it is necessary to ventilate it and freshen the air.

Salt produces negative ions in the air that help to clean the flat. Venigar strengthens the positive effect of salt.

Take a transparent glass, poor water, add two big spoons of salt and one big spoon of venigar.

Put the glass of this mixture on the floor. You will see the result in a day. The air in your flat will be fresher.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editorial office