3 interior colors that are no longer in trend

04.04.2023 17:04
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Like all interior trends, colors also go out of fashion. Today we will tell you which paint colors you should not choose in 2023 if you want to stay in trend.

Of course, we are for you to choose what you like first of all, but we have prepared a list of colors that are not in trend.


This is a classic color that has not lost its relevance over the past few years.

Plain black walls, furniture, ceiling and floor are no longer in fashion.


An apartment or room in light colors creates the feeling of being in a hospital ward. This year, designers prefer shades that are most often found in nature: earthy, the color of grass, autumn leaves, the sky.

Photo: Pixabay

White has a place to be if it is not saturated, but a more natural, natural shade.


Red walls are too commonplace for 2023. In addition, the color is not entirely favorable for the mood of a person living in an apartment. Red color quickly bothers and even causes a feeling of fatigue.

If you do not plan to change the color of the room for a long time, choose calm colors.
For example, shades of blue and green.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Red