The best plinth: How to pick the best color of this element for your interior design

11.07.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Plinth is a pretty small element of interior design, but it can make or break the impression.

When choosing the plinth, you should pick the right color and material to highlight the beauty of your living space.

Let's find out more.

Contrast or Blend

A contrasting color can make the plinth stand out, creating a visually striking effect. 

On the other hand, choosing a color that blends with the walls or flooring creates a seamless and harmonious look.


Material Considerations

Consider the material of the plinth. 

If it is made of wood, you may want to showcase its natural beauty by choosing a stain or finish that enhances its grain and color. 

For plinths made of other materials like stone or tile, select a color that complements the texture and pattern of the material.

Wall Color

Take into account the color of the walls. 

If the walls have a specific color scheme, select a plinth color that harmonizes with those hues.


Consider the color and material of the flooring adjacent to the plinth. 

The plinth color should complement the flooring to create a cohesive and balanced look. 

Style and Aesthetic

For a classic or traditional look, neutral tones like white, beige, or gray are popular choices. 

If you prefer a modern or contemporary style, you might consider bolder or contrasting colors to create a focal point.

Sample and Test

Before finalizing your decision, obtain plinth color samples or swatches. 

Place them against the walls and flooring to see how they interact and whether they create the desired effect. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Contrast or Blend
  2. Material Considerations
  3. Wall Color
  4. Flooring
  5. Style and Aesthetic
  6. Sample and Test