Colors that kill your productivity: Interior mistakes

25.11.2023 05:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you want your house to be your workplace, then you have to make it convenient and suitable for you.

One of the basic things that can affect your productivity is your color choice, because colors can affect your mood and mental state a lot.

Here are a few examples of that effect.

Overuse of Blue

While blue is often associated with calmness, too much of it might make a space feel overly serene. 

It's a color that can promote relaxation, which is great for winding down but might not be the best for a super productive atmosphere. 


It's like having a room that feels more like a cozy retreat than a workspace.

Excessive Gray

Gray can be sophisticated, but an entirely gray environment might lack vibrancy. 

It's a neutral color that, in large doses, can create a somewhat dull or monotonous atmosphere, possibly leading to a lack of motivation. 

It's akin to being in a room where everything feels a bit muted and uninspiring.

Dark Hues

Deep, dark colors like brown or forest green can make a space feel intimate, but they can also make it seem smaller and, in some cases, a bit too enclosed. 

It's like having walls that wrap around you, which might not encourage a sense of openness and productivity.

Insufficient Light Colors

Light colors, such as soft yellows, greens, or even light blues, can enhance a room's brightness. 

If a space lacks these light tones, it may appear dim, reducing the overall energy and making it less conducive to productivity. 

It's like trying to work in a room with a cloud hanging over it.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overuse of Blue
  2. Excessive Gray
  3. Dark Hues
  4. Insufficient Light Colors