Dining chair designs that are out of fashion: Don't use them in your kitchen interiors

04.09.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Dining chair trends can change over time as interior design preferences evolve. 

While specific trends can vary depending on cultural, regional, and personal influences, here are a few types of dining chairs that have been considered out of fashion in recent years.

Let's find out more!

Matched Sets

Traditional matched dining sets, where all chairs are identical in design and upholstery, have become less popular. 

Instead, mixing and matching different chair styles for a more eclectic and personalized look is in vogue.

dining chairs

Bulky and Ornate

Overly bulky or heavily ornate dining chairs with intricate carvings and embellishments are often considered outdated. 

Minimalist and sleek designs are more in line with modern aesthetics.

Formal Upholstery

Dining chairs with formal and heavy upholstery, like elaborate patterns or rich brocades, are less favored nowadays. 

Lighter, more casual fabrics and simpler designs are more current.

High Backs

Chairs with extremely high backs that dominate the dining space have fallen out of fashion. 

Lower-profile chairs offer a more open and inviting atmosphere.

Skirted Chairs

Dining chairs with fabric skirts that cover the legs and base are less common today. 

Exposed legs and clean lines are preferred for a cleaner and more contemporary look.

Heavy Wood

Very heavy and dark wood chairs can make a space feel gloomy and old-fashioned. 

Lighter wood tones or materials like metal, plastic, or acrylic are more popular for a fresh and airy ambiance.

Overly Formal Styles

Highly formal dining chair styles that resemble antique or Victorian designs are often considered too stuffy for modern homes. 

More relaxed and approachable designs are preferred.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Matched Sets
  2. Bulky and Ornate
  3. Formal Upholstery
  4. High Backs
  5. Skirted Chairs
  6. Heavy Wood
  7. Overly Formal Styles