Helpful Tips: How to Use Plastic Bottles for Home

24.08.2023 16:34
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

In the article, you will learn from the creative use of plastic bottles in everyday life.

Is it possible to grow vegetables in plastic bottles

A great way is to grow tomatoes in plastic bottles. It is convenient, this method takes up little space and has many advantages.

Tomato seeds are sown in advance in order to plant stronger seedlings in bottles.

What can be planted in plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are suitable for growing many crops. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, cabbage, including cauliflower, Beijing, Brussels sprouts and broccoli feel especially comfortable in them.

Is it possible to store cereals in plastic bottles

It is customary to store cereals in bags, but a plastic bottle is much better. Grains from bottles will be easy to pour, access to insects is securely closed, the shelf life can also be considered increased. Grains in any container should be stored in dry, ventilated and protected from sunlight places.


Why collect plastic bottle caps

After granulation of the polymeric material from which the caps are made, the recyclable material is again sent to production.

Thus, a bottle cap can become a part of household plastic containers, furniture, finishing and building materials.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to grow vegetables in plastic bottles
  2. What can be planted in plastic bottles
  3. Is it possible to store cereals in plastic bottles
  4. Why collect plastic bottle caps