Interior Designer Tip: What Paint Colors to Avoid in a Bedroom

06.05.2023 11:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Wall colors can affect our comfort, coziness and even mood. That's why it's so important to choose paint colors responsibly, especially for rooms where you spend a lot of time.

Cold shades

For example, cold shades of blue, white or gray.

Such shades create a feeling of not comfort.

Walls of cold tones will be associated with a cloudy day, a cold frosty winter or a hospital ward.

However, you can choose warm tones of grey, blue and white. Such shades will create a feeling of warmth and comfort in the room.


Bright colors

Neon and simply bright shades of any color, green, pink, yellow, have an irritating effect on the human psyche.

These are especially unsuitable colors for the bedroom. This is a place, where a person should relax, calm down and fall asleep.

In addition, vivid colors become even more vivid in natural light or bright light.

Use calm, muted shades for walls to feel comfortable and fall asleep quickly in the bedroom.

Shades of red

Red has a similar effect, as it is quite a bright color.

However, for the bedroom it is better not to use any shades of red. They cause heavy feelings and moods in a person, do not create a feeling of comfort, which should be in the bedroom.

Instead of red, you can add pastel shades of pink or purple to your interior. Or create a couple of bright accents.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Cold shades
  2. Bright colors
  3. Shades of red