Interior tips: Make a bookcase a part of your interior design

06.01.2024 05:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

When creating your interior design, you should remember not only about the pretty items, but also about the useful ones.

For instance, if you love reading and have a nice library, then you should integrate your bookcase into your interior design.

Here are a few tips on how to do it.

Choose the Right Location

Find a suitable spot in your home where the bookcase will fit well. 

Make sure it doesn't block walkways or disrupt the flow of the room.


Measure and Select the Bookcase

Measure the space where you plan to place the bookcase. 

Choose a bookcase that fits the dimensions and style of your room. 

Consider the material, color, and design that will complement your existing furniture and décor.

Arrange Books and Decor

Arrange your books on the shelves based on your preference. 

You can organize them by genre, author, or color for a visually appealing display. 

Intersperse decorative objects such as vases, picture frames, or small sculptures among the books to add personal touches.

Create Balance

Distribute the weight of items on the shelves evenly to create a balanced look. 

Avoid overcrowding or leaving empty spaces. 

Aim for a harmonious arrangement by varying the heights and sizes of books and décor items.

Consider Symmetry

If you prefer a more formal look, you can create symmetry by placing matching items or book stacks on opposite sides of the bookcase. 

This can bring a sense of order and visual balance to the overall design.

Add Lighting

Consider adding lighting to highlight your bookcase and create a cozy ambiance. 

You can use small LED lights or install adjustable spotlights to illuminate specific sections or objects.

Integrate with the Room

Incorporate the bookcase into the overall design of the room by ensuring it complements the surrounding furniture and color scheme. 

Consider coordinating the colors or materials of the bookcase with other elements in the room, such as curtains, rugs, or wall paint.

Previously, we talked about warm accents.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose the Right Location
  2. Measure and Select the Bookcase
  3. Arrange Books and Decor
  4. Create Balance
  5. Consider Symmetry
  6. Add Lighting
  7. Integrate with the Room