Interior tips: Statement lighting – how to use it?

31.01.2024 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

When you want to highlight some pretty parts of your interior, then you can use statement lighting.

With the help of some special lamps and lights, you can add depth and visual interest to your house.

Here are a few tips on how to use statement lighting to improve your interior!

Choose a Bold Fixture

Pick a light that stands out, something unique and eye-catching. 

It could be a stylish pendant light, a chandelier, or a funky lamp.


Think About Size

Consider the size of your room. If it's a smaller space, you might not want a giant light that overwhelms everything. 

In a larger room, you can go for something more substantial.

Hang at the Right Height

Where you hang your light matters. 

For example, a pendant light over a dining table should hang low enough to create a cozy atmosphere but not so low that it's in the way.

Match Your Style

Your light should match the style of your room. 

If your space is modern, go for something sleek and contemporary. 

If it's more traditional, a classic chandelier might be the perfect fit.

Create a Focal Point

Use statement lighting to highlight a specific area. 

It could be over a favorite reading nook, above a statement piece of furniture, or even in the center of the room.

Play with Colors

Lights come in different colors too! Think about whether you want warm, cozy tones or cool, bright ones. 

The color of the light can affect the mood of the room.

Experiment with Shapes

Lights come in all sorts of shapes. 

You can go for a geometric pendant, a drum-shaped chandelier, or even a quirky, irregular design. 

Let the shape add to the personality of your space.

Layer Your Lighting

Don't rely on just one big light source. 

Mix it up with different lights in the room, like floor lamps, table lamps, or wall sconces. 

This creates a layered, more interesting look.

Previously, we talked about how to arrange your living room.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose a Bold Fixture
  2. Think About Size
  3. Hang at the Right Height
  4. Match Your Style
  5. Create a Focal Point
  6. Play with Colors
  7. Experiment with Shapes
  8. Layer Your Lighting