Interior trends that are often seen as tasteless: Controversial interior fashion

15.07.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Everyone's interior shows their tastes, preferences, and lifestyle well, but there are also some trends that can be seen in many houses.

While some people love them, others find them tasteless or even annoying, so you should think twice before using them.

Here are a few examples.

Overuse of Shiny Metallics

While metallic accents can add a touch of glamour and sophistication to a space, an excessive amount of shiny metallics, such as gold or silver, can sometimes be seen as gaudy or overly flashy. 

It's important to strike a balance and use metallic finishes sparingly to avoid an overwhelming or ostentatious look.


Cluttered and Excessive Decor

Overly cluttered spaces with an abundance of decorative items, such as trinkets, knick-knacks, and excessive accessories, can be seen as tasteless by some. 

It can create a chaotic or overwhelming visual environment. 

Overly Ornate or Fussy Designs

Ornate patterns, intricate details, and overly fussy designs can sometimes be perceived as tasteless or outdated. 

Heavy and ornate furniture, excessively carved woodwork, or overly busy wallpaper patterns may clash with modern design aesthetics that emphasize clean lines and simplicity.

Novelty or Theme Overload

Themed rooms or spaces that heavily rely on novelty decor, such as rooms inspired by specific movies, characters, or trends, can be viewed as tasteless by some. 

These spaces may lack timeless appeal and can quickly become outdated or kitschy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overuse of Shiny Metallics
  2. Cluttered and Excessive Decor
  3. Overly Ornate or Fussy Designs
  4. Novelty or Theme Overload