Loft isn't trendy anymore: Why interior designers suggest not using loft designs

19.06.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Loft is a visually interesting yet minimalistic style of interior design, which is why it was very popular a few years ago.

Nowadays, most interior designers do not like to create designs in this style and suggest using something else instead.

Let's find out why.

Saturation and mainstream popularity

When a design style becomes too common or widely adopted, it can lose its sense of uniqueness and appeal to those who seek something different or more distinctive.

Association with specific urban areas

As urbanization and city living continue to evolve, there may be a shift in preferences towards other types of housing and interior styles that reflect different lifestyles or architectural contexts.

loft interior

Desire for more personalized and eclectic spaces

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards more personalized and eclectic interior designs. 

People are seeking unique and customized spaces that reflect their individuality and personal style. 

Loft interiors, with their open layouts and industrial aesthetics, may not always provide the level of customization and warmth that some individuals desire.

Practical considerations

Loft-style designs typically feature open floor plans, high ceilings, and exposed structural elements. 

While these elements can be visually appealing, they may not always be practical for everyone. 

Some individuals may prefer more defined and compartmentalized spaces for privacy or functional purposes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Saturation and mainstream popularity
  2. Association with specific urban areas
  3. Desire for more personalized and eclectic spaces
  4. Practical considerations