Make your bookshelf decorative: Arrangement tips

02.06.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

A nice bookshelf can become one of the main decorative elements of your living room.

To make it look visually appealing, you need to know a few arrangement tips.

Group, experiment, and rearrange!

Group books by theme or color

Sort your books into groups based on theme, genre, or color. 

This will allow you to create visually cohesive sections on the bookshelves.

living room

Create balance and symmetry

Place taller or larger books vertically on one side of a shelf, and balance them out with similar-sized objects or a cluster of smaller books on the other side. 

Mix books with decorative items

Intersperse your books with framed photos, small plants, decorative boxes, sculptures, or vases. 

Vary book orientations

Instead of having all books lined up vertically, alternate between vertical and horizontal placement. 

Consider negative space

Leave some negative space to give the arrangement breathing room and prevent it from feeling cluttered. 

Play with heights and layers

Vary the heights of objects by using stacking books or utilizing bookends. 

Step back and assess

Throughout the process, step back and assess the overall arrangement from a distance. 

Check for balance, symmetry, and any areas that may need adjustment.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Group books by theme or color
  2. Create balance and symmetry
  3. Mix books with decorative items
  4. Vary book orientations
  5. Consider negative space
  6. Play with heights and layers
  7. Step back and assess