Not only wax candles: Interior decor ideas

07.10.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Wax candles can add lots of coziness and warmth to your interior - they have an amazing smell, and they are natural and eco-friendly as well.

Meanwhile, candle wax can stain your furniture, and it can be quite problematic to use them regularly - so what can you do?

Here are a few wax candle alternatives you can enjoy.

LED Candles

These are like fake candles that use battery-powered lights to create a cozy, flickering effect without any wax or flames. They are safe and reusable.

String Lights

You can hang string lights or fairy lights to add a warm and twinkling ambiance to your space. They come in many shapes and colors.


Oil Diffusers

Use an oil diffuser to spread lovely scents around your home. They use essential oils and water to create a pleasant atmosphere.


Decorative lanterns can hold battery-operated candles or fairy lights, creating a charming and cozy feeling.

Glowing Orbs

These are like round, glowing balls that can change colors. They're great for a magical atmosphere.

Flameless Torches

Battery-powered torches can mimic the look of real flames without the fire hazard.

Salt Lamps

These are made from chunks of salt that give off a warm, soothing glow. They're also believed to have some health benefits.

Candle Holders

You can use candle holders with LED tea lights to get the candle's look without the wax mess.


Hang colorful or interesting artwork on your walls to create a unique and eye-catching interior.


These alternatives can provide a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home without the need for traditional wax candles. Plus, they are often safer and more convenient.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. LED Candles
  2. String Lights
  3. Oil Diffusers
  4. Lanterns
  5. Glowing Orbs
  6. Flameless Torches
  7. Salt Lamps
  8. Candle Holders
  9. Artwork
  10. Conclusion