Retro, not old: Learn more about interior design

18.09.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

While you often see many super modern and minimalistic interiors around, retro is still trendy - people love to add a bit of old and rustic details to their living spaces.

The main thing is to find the balance between old and retro, otherwise you can make your house look dated and cluttered.

Let's talk more about what retro is, and why it doesn't always look great.

Old Interiors

"Old" interiors simply refer to spaces that are really old or dated. 

They haven't been updated or changed for a long time, and they might not look very appealing anymore. 

retro vintage street

Think of a room that hasn't been redecorated in many years and has furniture and decorations from a long time ago.

Retro Interiors

"Retro" interiors are intentional designs that bring back the style and look of a particular time from the past. 

So, while they may use old-fashioned elements, they are done on purpose to create a nostalgic or vintage vibe. 

For example, someone might decorate a room to look like it's from the 1960s or 1970s because they like that style, even though it's not the present trend.

Retro doesn't always look good

Retro interiors may not always look good because they use styles and designs from the past that might seem old-fashioned or not very attractive to some people today.

Imagine if you wore clothes or hairstyles that were trendy in the past; they might not fit with what's considered stylish today. 

It's similar with interior design – what was cool back then might not be appealing to everyone now.

Sometimes, too much retro stuff in a room can make it look messy or crowded, like having too many decorations in one place. 

This can make it feel less comfortable or pleasant to be in.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Old Interiors
  2. Retro Interiors
  3. Retro doesn't always look good