Rules of a great guest room: Interior tips

02.10.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you love guests, then you probably have a guest room, or plan to have one.

To make your guests actually satisfied, it's not enough to give them a place to sleep - there are a few more things you need to make it comfortable.

Here are a few rules of a good guest room you might find handy.


Keep the room clean and tidy. Nobody likes a messy space.

Comfortable Bed

Have a comfortable bed with clean sheets and extra blankets for different preferences.

guest room


Provide space for your guests to unpack their clothes, like a closet or dresser.

Basic Amenities

Include basic amenities like towels, toiletries, and a mirror.


Ensure your guests have privacy and a way to lock the door if they want.


Good lighting is important for reading or getting ready.

Temperature Control

Make sure the room is at a comfortable temperature, and provide a fan or heater if needed.

Wi-Fi Access

Share your Wi-Fi password so guests can stay connected.

Personal Touch

Add a personal touch with some decorations or a welcoming note.

Respect Their Space

Lastly, respect their space and privacy, but let them know you're available if they need anything.

Quality Pillows

Offer a variety of pillows with different firmness levels so your guests can choose what suits them best.

Window Coverings

Have curtains or blinds that can block out light if your guests prefer a dark room for sleeping.


Provide entertainment options like books, magazines, or a TV if space allows.

Extra Amenities

Include extras like a small fridge, snacks, and drinks to make your guests' stay more enjoyable.

Charging Stations

Offer charging stations or power strips so your guests can charge their devices conveniently.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Cleanliness
  2. Comfortable Bed
  3. Storage
  4. Basic Amenities
  5. Privacy
  6. Lighting
  7. Temperature Control
  8. Wi-Fi Access
  9. Personal Touch
  10. Respect Their Space
  11. Quality Pillows
  12. Window Coverings
  13. Entertainment
  14. Extra Amenities
  15. Charging Stations