Tips from an Expert: How to Choose the Right Buffet

19.10.2023 14:34
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

A sideboard is a piece of furniture that is most often installed in the kitchen.

Sometimes this piece of furniture can be installed in the living room.

It is used to store a variety of cutlery, dishes, as well as napkins and tablecloths.

Often a buffet includes drawers and shelves with convenient doors.

What is a kitchen buffet

In the traditional sense, a buffet is a massive closed cabinet in which kitchen utensils are stored. The design does not provide for hanging.


At the top there is a cabinet equipped with wooden doors with transparent or translucent glass.

How to choose a buffet for your home

When choosing a buffet, you need to focus primarily on the style of the interior, the features of the furnishings, and also take into account the color and texture of existing furniture.

The shape and area of the room are also important: for example, it is possible to install a buffet in a niche, or you need a corner model.

Where to put the buffet

Where to put it? As a rule, the buffet is placed not far from the table. In other words, they integrate it into the dining area, regardless of where it is located - in the kitchen or in the living room.

A buffet cabinet will do an excellent job as a zoning element, separating the dining area from the rest of the room.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is a kitchen buffet
  2. How to choose a buffet for your home
  3. Where to put the buffet