Why houseplants have become so popular: Get closer to nature

14.07.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Houseplants have experienced a surge in popularity for several reasons, leading to a growing trend of incorporating greenery into indoor spaces. 

Now, you can see them in almost every interior design.

Here are some factors contributing to the increased popularity of houseplants.

Aesthetics and Decor

Houseplants add a touch of natural beauty, color, and vibrancy to indoor environments. 

They bring life and freshness to living spaces, making them visually appealing and enhancing the overall aesthetics of a room. 


Houseplants can serve as decorative elements, creating a more inviting and cozy atmosphere.

Biophilic Connection

Humans have an innate desire to connect with nature, known as biophilia. 

Houseplants allow people to fulfill this connection by bringing elements of the natural world into their homes. 

Urban Living and Limited Outdoor Space

With the increase in urbanization and the prevalence of apartment living, many people have limited access to outdoor green spaces. 

Houseplants provide an opportunity to bring nature indoors and create a connection with the natural world, even in urban environments or spaces with limited outdoor access.

Social Media and Interior Design Trends

The rise of social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest has contributed to the popularity of houseplants. 

Sharing photos of beautifully decorated spaces with lush greenery has inspired others to incorporate plants into their own homes. 

Interior design trends, such as incorporating biophilic elements, have also played a role in the increasing popularity of houseplants.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Aesthetics and Decor
  2. Biophilic Connection
  3. Urban Living and Limited Outdoor Space
  4. Social Media and Interior Design Trends