Why your home doesn't look like interior pictures: Interior designer's tips

16.09.2023 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Most people want to live in beautiful places - just like the interior pictures they often see on the internet.

Meanwhile, it's often pretty hard to achieve that neat and stylish look in a real house.

Here are a few examples of why it happens.


Often, those beautiful interior pictures show expensive furniture and decorations that most people can't afford. 

You might need to work with a smaller budget and choose more affordable options.

modern interior


Your home might be smaller or have a different layout than the ones in the pictures. 

This can make it challenging to recreate the exact same look.


Creating a stunning interior takes time and effort. 

The pictures you see might be the result of professional designers working for a long time to get everything just right. 

You may not have the same amount of time to dedicate to decorating.

Personal Style

Your taste and style might be different from what you see in the pictures. 

Your home should reflect your personality and what makes you comfortable, even if it doesn't match the latest trends.


Some of those picture-perfect interiors require a lot of upkeep to stay looking great. 

Real homes often need to be more practical and easy to maintain.


Your real home shouldn't always look like a picture - instead, it should be comfortable and relaxing for you to suit your needs and lifestyle.

Meanwhile, you still can use some interior tips to improve its appearance easily!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Cost
  2. Space
  3. Time
  4. Personal Style
  5. Maintenance
  6. Conclusion