You don't have to decorate every empty wall in your house: Balance is key

15.07.2023 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Whether to decorate every empty wall in your house is a matter of personal preference and style. 

Meanwhile, too many decorations can destroy the aesthetics of your living space.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding how to approach wall decor.

Balance and Proportion

It's important to consider the balance and proportion of your wall decor. 

Too many decorations or cluttered arrangements can make a room feel crowded and overwhelming. 

wall decor

On the other hand, leaving some walls intentionally empty can create a sense of openness and breathing space. 

Striking a balance between adorned and unadorned walls is crucial for achieving a harmonious visual balance in your home.

Focus Points

Consider designating specific walls as focal points in each room. 

These focal walls can be adorned with standout artwork or decor to draw attention and create a focal point in the space. 

By selectively decorating certain walls, you can create visual interest and emphasize key areas of your home.


Your home should reflect your personality and preferences. 

Decorating empty walls allows you to showcase meaningful artwork, family photographs, or cherished items that hold sentimental value. 

Acoustics and Lighting

In some cases, leaving certain walls bare can help improve acoustics or optimize natural lighting. 

Unadorned walls can act as reflective surfaces, bouncing sound or light around the room. 

Assess the acoustic and lighting conditions in each space and determine whether wall decor would enhance or detract from these aspects.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Balance and Proportion
  2. Focus Points
  3. Personalization
  4. Acoustics and Lighting