Cleaning tips that don't work: Housekeeping advice

13.09.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

People often share cleaning tips they've heard somewhere without actually testing them - and that's why useless tips are so widespread.

In fact, lots of tips and hacks don't work that well, and traditional cleaning methods are still way more effective.

Here are a few examples of popular tips that you shouldn't even try.

Using Newspaper to Clean Glass

Some people say using newspaper to clean glass makes it shine, but it can leave ink streaks on the glass.

Cleaning Windows on a Sunny Day

It might seem like a good idea because you can see the dirt better, but cleaning windows on a sunny day can cause streaks because the cleaning solution dries too fast.


Using Vinegar for Everything

While vinegar is a handy cleaner, it doesn't work well on all surfaces. It can damage some materials like marble or granite.

Putting Coffee Grounds in the Garbage Disposal

Some suggest putting coffee grounds in the disposal to clean it, but they can actually clog the pipes over time.

Using Bleach for Everything

Bleach is strong and can disinfect, but it's not the best choice for all cleaning tasks, and it can be harmful if mixed with other chemicals.

Using Lemon Juice to Clean Stainless Steel

Lemon juice can be abrasive on stainless steel and might scratch it instead of making it shine.

Putting Wooden Cutting Boards in the Dishwasher

Dishwashers can damage wooden cutting boards over time. It's better to wash them by hand.

Using Hairspray to Remove Ink Stains

This might work for some ink stains, but it can also leave a sticky residue on fabric.


When cleaning something, concentrate on keeping an item safe instead of getting rid of the stains.

That's how you can make your housekeeping more effective!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Using Newspaper to Clean Glass
  2. Cleaning Windows on a Sunny Day
  3. Using Vinegar for Everything
  4. Putting Coffee Grounds in the Garbage Disposal
  5. Using Bleach for Everything
  6. Using Lemon Juice to Clean Stainless Steel
  7. Putting Wooden Cutting Boards in the Dishwasher
  8. Using Hairspray to Remove Ink Stains
  9. Conclusion