Deep cleaning made easy: Proven strategies for refreshing your home from top to bottom

27.06.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Even the idea of deep cleaning sounds terrifying to some people, but it's not that exhausting if you make it properly.

Preparation is key, so find some free time to properly refresh your house and make it look amazing.

Here are some simple ideas that may help you!

Plan and Prioritize

Start by creating a cleaning plan and finding the areas that require deep cleaning.

Break down the bigger tasks into manageable sections and prioritize based on urgency and importance.


Gather your supplies

Make sure you have a variety of cleaning agents, microfiber cloths, scrub brushes, and any specialized tools required for specific tasks.

Declutter First

Remove unnecessary items, organize cluttered spaces, and create a clear working area.

Decluttering not only improves the visual appeal, but also makes cleaning more efficient by eliminating obstacles and allowing easier access to surfaces.

Work from Top to Bottom

Start cleaning from the highest points in the living space and work your way down.

This prevents dust and dirt from falling onto nice and clean surfaces.

Dust your ceiling fans, light fixtures, and upper shelves before moving on to furniture, countertops, and floors.

Finish by vacuuming or mopping the floors.

Deep Clean Appliances

Clean out the refrigerator, defrost the freezer, and wipe down all the surfaces.

Descale coffee makers and kettles, clean the oven and stovetop, and flush out drains to prevent clogs.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Plan and Prioritize
  2. Gather your supplies
  3. Declutter First
  4. Work from Top to Bottom
  5. Deep Clean Appliances