Home couch care: You've got this!

08.08.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Maintaining the beauty of your couch doesn't always require professional assistance. 

With a little effort, you can keep your couch looking and smelling fresh right from the comfort of your home. 

Here's your personalized guide to couch care.


Embrace the power of regular vacuuming to bid farewell to dust, dirt, and debris. 

Arm yourself with a soft brush attachment to give your fabric a gentle cleanse, while sparing it from scratches. 


Be sure to explore every nook, cranny, and seam – those hidden spots deserve love too!

Spot Cleaning

Accidents happen, but they don't have to leave a mark. Swiftly attend to small spills and stains, blotting them with a clean cloth or paper towel. 

Resist the urge to rub, for it's the gentle touch that prevails. A dash of mild upholstery cleaner or a water-detergent duo should do the trick. 

Remember, your fabric's feelings matter – perform a quick test on an inconspicuous area before diving in. 

Blot, rinse, and let dry for a stain-free future.

Fabric Refreshers

Elevate your couch's aura with a touch of magic – or in this case, fabric refreshers. 

Explore the world of commercial options, or create your own blend using water and a few drops of aromatic essential oil. 

A delicate mist is all it takes to revive your fabric's spirit, but remember, moderation is key.

Regular TLC

Play the role of a mindful couch custodian. 

Give those cushions a chance to rotate and flip, redistributing the wear and tear artfully. 

Armrest covers and throws can transform into stylish allies, shielding high-contact areas from unexpected spills. 

And as tempting as it may be, keep munchies and sips away from your cherished couch haven – prevention is the name of the game.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Vacuuming
  2. Spot Cleaning
  3. Fabric Refreshers
  4. Regular TLC