Housekeeping tips: Clean your smartphone like a pro

27.01.2024 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Smartphones are always with us, and we use them multiple times a day – no wonder they contain lots of bacteria, germs, and dirt on their surfaces.

While it might be invisible, you can easily see all the dirt on a cloth after you wipe it down.

Here are some general tips on how to keep your smartphone clean.

Daily Wipe Down

Give your phone a quick wipe every day with a soft microfiber cloth. 

This helps remove fingerprints and smudges.


Weekly Cleaning

Once a week, take a few extra minutes to clean more thoroughly. 

Focus on areas like the edges and buttons where dirt can accumulate.

Deep Clean Monthly

For a deeper clean, once a month, consider cleaning the phone case and ports. 

Make sure your phone is turned off before doing this.

Use a Soft Cloth

A soft microfiber or lens cleaning cloth works well for daily wipes. It won't scratch the screen.

Avoid Liquids Directly

Never spray cleaner directly on your phone. Instead, dampen the cloth slightly and then wipe the phone.

Remove the Case

If you have a phone case, take it off and clean it separately. 

You can use a mild soap and water for plastic or silicone cases.

Check for Manufacturer Guidelines

Some phone screens have special coatings. 

Check your phone's manual or the manufacturer's website for any specific cleaning instructions.

Q-Tips for Ports

Use a Q-tip with a bit of rubbing alcohol to clean charging ports and headphone jacks. 

Be gentle to avoid damage.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Stay away from harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia. They can damage the screen and other parts.

Screen Protectors

If you use a screen protector, follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning. 

Some may require a specific type of cleaner.

Wash Your Hands

Remember to wash your hands before using your phone. This helps reduce the transfer of dirt and germs.

Previously, we talked about removing scuffs from white shoes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Daily Wipe Down
  2. Weekly Cleaning
  3. Deep Clean Monthly
  4. Use a Soft Cloth
  5. Avoid Liquids Directly
  6. Remove the Case
  7. Check for Manufacturer Guidelines
  8. Q-Tips for Ports
  9. Avoid Harsh Chemicals
  10. Screen Protectors
  11. Wash Your Hands