How to minimize cat fur in your house: Make your home less allergenic and cleaner

30.06.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

If you have a cat, then you probably have lots of cat fur lying and flying around your house.

If you want your house to be cleaner, or just less allergenic, then you need to minimize cat fur lying around.

Here are a few tips that can help.

Regular grooming

Brushing your cat regularly helps to remove loose fur and prevents excessive shedding. 

Use a cat brush or comb that is suitable for your cat's coat type. 


Provide a designated scratching post

Cats often use scratching to remove loose fur from their bodies. 

By providing a scratching post or pad, you give them a designated place to groom themselves, reducing the amount of fur scattered around the house.

Create designated cat-free zones

Designate certain areas of your home as cat-free zones, such as bedrooms or certain pieces of furniture. 

Use baby gates or other barriers to prevent your cat from accessing these areas, minimizing the amount of fur they leave behind.

Use furniture covers or throws

Covering furniture with washable covers or throws can help protect them from cat fur. 

Regular vacuuming and dusting

Vacuuming and dusting your home frequently helps to remove loose fur that has settled on floors, carpets, and furniture. 

Use lint rollers or tape

Keep lint rollers or sticky tape handy to quickly remove fur from clothing, upholstery, or other surfaces. 

Wash bedding and fabrics regularly

Wash bedding, blankets, and other fabric items that your cat frequently uses. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Regular grooming
  2. Provide a designated scratching post
  3. Create designated cat-free zones
  4. Use furniture covers or throws
  5. Regular vacuuming and dusting
  6. Use lint rollers or tape
  7. Wash bedding and fabrics regularly