How to store your footwear during summer: Keep them safe and odorless

20.06.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

When you want to store your winter footwear for the summer, you need to make absolutely sure they are well-prepared.

If you do not prepare them for long storage, you may be very disappointed when you see their condition later.

That's how you can keep them safe and odorless.

No dirt or moisture

Before storing, clean your winter footwear thoroughly.

Ensure that the footwear is completely dry, so you can prevent the growth of mold or mildew during storage.



Repair or replace any worn-out parts, such as soles or heels, to ensure they are in good condition for the next winter season.

Storage Containers

Ideally, use clear plastic or fabric special containers with lids that provide good protection from dust, moisture, and various pests.

Avoid using cheap cardboard boxes, as they may only attract pests and do not provide adequate protection.

Proper Packaging

Place each pair of shoes in individual shoe bags or wrap them in special acid-free tissue paper, so you can prevent scuffs and scratches.

If storing expensive boots, use boot shapers or stuff them with special acid-free tissue paper, so you can maintain their shape.

Climate-Controlled Space

Find a cool, dry, and also well-ventilated storage area for your shoes.

Avoid places with extreme temperatures or high humidity, such as attics or basements, as they can damage the materials.

Regular Check-ups

Occasionally check on your stored shoes to ensure there are no signs of damage, moisture, or pest infestation.

If necessary, take appropriate measures to address any issues promptly.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. No dirt or moisture
  2. Inspection
  3. Storage Containers
  4. Proper Packaging
  5. Climate-Controlled Space
  6. Regular Check-ups