How to like washing the dishes: Change your perspective

24.08.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Finding enjoyment in washing dishes might seem like a challenge, but with a shift in mindset and a few practical strategies, you can make the task more enjoyable. 

While you can't completely avoid the task, you can try changing how you see it.

Here's how you can make the process more bearable.

Mindfulness and Presence

Approach dishwashing as a moment to practice mindfulness. 

Focus on the sensory experience: the feel of the warm water, the sound of running water, the texture of the dishes. 


Engage your senses and be fully present in the task.

Multitasking with Entertainment

Turn dishwashing into an opportunity to catch up on entertainment. 

Listen to your favorite podcasts, audiobooks, or music while you wash. 

This can make the time pass quickly and make the task feel less mundane.

Use Pleasant Scents

Light a scented candle or use a room spray with a fragrance you enjoy. 

Pleasant scents can create a more pleasant atmosphere and make the task more enjoyable.

Break It Down

Instead of thinking of it as a big chore, break it into smaller tasks. 

Wash a few dishes at a time, and it won't feel as daunting.

Engage Your Creativity

Challenge yourself to find creative ways to stack and arrange dishes. 

This can turn dishwashing into a small puzzle or game.

Set a Timer

Challenge yourself to finish washing dishes in a certain timeframe. 

A timer can make the task feel more like a game, and you'll be motivated to complete it efficiently.

Celebrate Completion

After you're done, take a moment to appreciate your clean and organized kitchen. 

The sense of accomplishment can be rewarding.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Mindfulness and Presence
  2. Multitasking with Entertainment
  3. Use Pleasant Scents
  4. Break It Down
  5. Engage Your Creativity
  6. Set a Timer
  7. Celebrate Completion