Maintain your pantry clean: Housekeeping tips

17.11.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Pantry is a place in your house that is usually hidden from your eyes, and it also contains items that collect dirt and dust easily.

It's sometimes hard to keep your pantry clean, simply because you don't see it too often.

Here are a few tips that might help you.

Buddy System for Jars

Jars can be like friends on a shelf. Pair them up by size, so they stand together like buddies. It's like organizing a team of jars for a clean and tidy look.

Shelf Mats as Superheroes

Imagine shelf mats as capes for your pantry shelves. They can be like superheroes protecting against spills and crumbs. 


Lay them down, and cleaning becomes a breeze.

Sneaky Spice Storage

Spice containers can be tricky to organize. Use a small basket or a shallow box to corral them. 

It's like giving your spices a secret hideout, making it easy to find what you need.

Colorful Coding

Assign a color to each category of food or items. It's like giving your pantry a rainbow touch. 

When everything has a color, finding snacks or ingredients becomes a game of matching colors.

Sticky Note Magic

Stick small notes on the inside of your pantry door with meal ideas or expiration dates. 

It's like having a pantry diary to keep track of what's inside and plan meals.

Bag Clips as Lifesavers

Bag clips can do more than just hold bags closed. Attach them to the edge of a shelf, and they become like hooks. 

Hang small items or bags from them to save shelf space.

Drawer Organization

If your pantry has drawers, use small containers or baskets inside. 

It's like creating little homes for snacks and small items, making the drawer a neat space.

Surprise Inspection Box

Have a mystery box on one shelf. It's like a surprise inspection! 

Every once in a while, check the box for items nearing expiration or things you forgot you had.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Buddy System for Jars
  2. Shelf Mats as Superheroes
  3. Sneaky Spice Storage
  4. Colorful Coding
  5. Sticky Note Magic
  6. Bag Clips as Lifesavers
  7. Drawer Organization
  8. Surprise Inspection Box