The most popular laundry mistakes: Things that spoil your clothes and your washing machine

16.06.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

While doing laundry is one of the basic things that every adult does regularly, some people still make some laundry mistakes from time to time.

These mistakes can lead to clothes being dirty or damaged after cleaning, or even a broken washing machine.

Here are the most popular laundry mistakes.

Overloading the washing machine

Stuffing too many clothes into the washing machine can prevent proper agitation and rinsing, leading to less effective cleaning. 

Neglecting to sort clothes

Failing to sort laundry based on color, fabric type, and care instructions can result in color bleeding, fabric damage, and shrinking. 


Ignoring care labels

Care labels provide essential information about how to wash and dry your garments properly. 

Neglecting to read and follow these instructions can lead to shrinking, stretching, fading, or other damage. 

Using too much detergent

Using excessive detergent doesn't necessarily result in cleaner clothes. 

In fact, it can leave residue on fabrics, causing them to feel stiff and dull. 

Using hot water for everything

While hot water can be effective for heavy soiling and germ elimination, it's not always necessary or suitable for all fabrics. 

Overdrying clothes

Overdrying clothes in the dryer can lead to shrinkage, wrinkling, and increased wear and tear on fabrics. 

Neglecting to clean the washing machine

The washing machine itself needs regular cleaning to prevent odors, mold, and the buildup of detergent residue. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overloading the washing machine
  2. Neglecting to sort clothes
  3. Ignoring care labels
  4. Using too much detergent
  5. Using hot water for everything
  6. Overdrying clothes
  7. Neglecting to clean the washing machine