Useful Tips: How to Remove Grease Stains from Fabric and Paper

14.10.2023 13:09
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

You need to soap the stained part of the fabric, sprinkle a thin layer of sugar on top and immediately thoroughly wipe the whole “mess” with a brush.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that you cannot wet the brush in water, since soaping has already been done with a small amount of water.

All you have to do is wait 15 minutes and put the item in the washing machine.

How to remove old sunflower oil stains

A working way to get rid of an oil stain on jeans, a shirt or other things is to simply sprinkle table salt on the stained area.

Next, you need to rub it over the entire area of the area and leave for about 10 minutes.


You can carry out the same procedure by using laundry soap instead of salt.

How to remove grease stains from paper

To remove a stain you need to: Sprinkle dry powder onto the stain so that the borders of the stain are covered;

Place a thick paper napkin (pure white only) or a kitchen paper towel on top;

Iron the sheet through a napkin.

Grease stains on the margins of pages can be removed using the above-mentioned solvents mixed with chalk or magnesia in a 1:1 ratio to a paste-like state.

After complete drying, the composition that has absorbed the fat is carefully cleaned off.

Sometimes the operation of applying the slurry and removing it has to be repeated many times.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to remove old sunflower oil stains
  2. How to remove grease stains from paper