

Hypnotizability, which refers to how easily someone can be hypnotized, is a stable trait that doesn't change much throughout adulthood. However, scientists have discovered a way to temporarily increase hypnotizability using electrical stimulation of a specific area in the brain.

Kate Yakimchuk research self-consciousness brain activity science Psychology 9 January 2024

Erickson's technique is non-directive hypnosis, in which the patient is immersed in a trance state imperceptibly, while using special communication techniques, the patient's internal reserves are activated to solve basic problems or teach certain skills that help solve the tasks.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 20 November 2023

Unlike other methods, where the work takes place at the level of consciousness, hypnosis allows you to intentionally achieve an altered state of consciousness. In this state, the brain switches to the alpha rhythm, which is associated with a relaxed state of wakefulness, rest.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 6 August 2023

Most people imagine hypnosis to be like a superpower that can completely change someone or make them do things they wouldn't do in other circumstances. In fact, hypnosis is not like that, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk misconceptions research brain Psychology 15 July 2023