

Dietitians believe that a keto diet, which is high in fat and low in carbs, can help people lose weight and may even fight certain cancers.  However, there's a problem: research shows that this diet might unintentionally harm cancer patients.

Kate Yakimchuk research meat cancer dieting Cooking 24 September 2023
meat dish

Food shapes almost everything in our life, including our health. A new research paper published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society hints that the ketogenic (or keto) diet could potentially reduce testosterone levels in ladies diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Kate Yakimchuk research food dieting fertility Cooking 23 September 2023
keto food

If you're interested in healthy diets and weight management, then you probably know about keto - it's a pretty trendy thing nowadays. This diet allows you to eat lots of protein and stay full - isn't it great?

Kate Yakimchuk dieting food health Cooking 7 September 2023