

A recent study reveals that positive relationships with parents and caregivers during childhood can reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress in adulthood. The research underscores the lasting impact of early emotional support on long-term mental well-being.

Kate Yakimchuk research family caring adults child development Psychology 29 January 2024

When looking for something to play with, kids can accidentally hurt themselves – so everything can be dangerous to them. Some objects are clearly dangerous, but even seemingly harmless things can be a threat when your kid is curious and playful.

Kate Yakimchuk children safety danger interior mistakes tips House Design 23 January 2024

Gardening might look like a completely harmless hobby, but it might be actually dangerous to those who don't know how to use some tools properly. A keen gardener often has lots of sharp objects and chemicals to take good care of their plants, and kids might be too interested in playing with them.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips children safety danger tips Garden 20 January 2024