Cocoa: Health Benefits – Good to Know

12.02.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Cocoa was first grown in South America.

It was only in the 1850s that mass production of cocoa powder began.

Today, about 4.5 million tons of cocoa are consumed annually.

Health benefits of cocoa

Cocoa is most useful if the content is at least 72%.

Cocoa powder improves human cognitive health.


The drink has a good effect on attentiveness, memory and helps restore cognitive functions.

In addition, cocoa powder makes the immune system stronger.

The drink contains useful substances such as iron, zinc and selenium.

Cocoa contains flavonols, which help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow and preventing cell damage.

Cocoa powder also contains antioxidants, which improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

We previously talked about the health benefits of pears.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource