Expert Opinion: Is Soy Sauce Healthy

18.07.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Natural soy sauce contains soybeans, corn, wheat, salt, sugar, vinegar, and possibly natural spices. - When buying soy sauce, pay special attention to the protein content. In high-quality natural soy sauce, the protein content reaches 6-8%.

What are the benefits of soy sauce

Soy sauce is very helpful. It contains antioxidants, which are much more than in citrus fruits or red wine, as well as essential vitamins C and B, beneficial amino acids, zinc and iron.

The high content of antioxidants in soy sauce helps to strengthen the immune system and improves the response of the immune system.

Why Use Soy Sauce

Thanks to its sodium content, soy sauce is an excellent substitute for salt in many recipes. Using soy sauce instead of salt can enhance the flavor of a dish, giving it not only saltiness but also umami, the deep, sweet flavor of the fermented product.

How can you use soy sauce

Soy sauce today is eaten in its pure form, used in the preparation of marinades and broths, or added to ready-made dishes. Its main task is to enhance the taste of other products. Many replace salt with it, add it to everyday food - pasta with meat or rice.

Photo: Pixabay

In this sauce, you can safely fry everything that you love and cook daily. For example, try adding soy sauce to the pan while frying potatoes - it will have a very rich sweet taste and a bright crust.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of soy sauce
  2. Why Use Soy Sauce
  3. How can you use soy sauce