Healthy food, unhealthy snack: A new study on eating habits and health

22.09.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

When your goal is to eat healthily, you shouldn't only focus on your main meals - snacks also count.

A recent study shows that one in four individuals is jeopardizing the advantages of nutritious meals by indulging in unhealthy snacks.

This behavior raises the likelihood of experiencing strokes and cardiovascular diseases.

A study on how snacks ruin your diet

The study examined the snacking behaviors of 855 individuals participating in the ZOE PREDICT study.

The research found that half of these people didn't match the healthiness of their meals with their snack choices, leading to adverse effects on health markers like blood sugar and fat levels.

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Specialists highlighted the widespread practice of snacking, with nearly everyone engaging in it, and a substantial portion of daily calories, almost a quarter, coming from snacks.

She suggested that a straightforward strategy for improving health is to replace unhealthy snacks like cookies and chips with healthier options like fruits and nuts.

The analysis also revealed that the UK is a nation of snackers, with 24% of daily energy intake originating from snacks such as cereal bars, pastries, and fruit.

Those who snacked consumed an average of 2.28 snacks daily.

Contrary to popular belief, snacking isn't unhealthy as long as the snacks themselves are healthy.

People who frequently consumed high-quality snacks like nuts and fresh fruits were more likely to maintain a healthy weight and experience improved metabolic health.

Why it's important

Specialists emphasized that food quality is a key factor in achieving positive health outcomes.

A balanced diet comprising fruits, vegetables, protein, and legumes is the best way to enhance health.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. A study on how snacks ruin your diet
  2. Why it's important