Healthy Foods: Add Hummus to Your Diet

22.06.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

This popular dish in the Middle East is a beige paste made from chickpeas and grated sesame seeds (tahini).

What does hummus taste like

Without additives, the paste has a neutral taste, slightly sweet, in which nutty notes and citric acidity are felt.

Health Benefits of Hummus

The use of hummus has a beneficial effect on the function of the gastrointestinal tract, on metabolism, on the cardiovascular system, and significantly reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

This is a protein rich and healthy food that gives a charge of vivacity and endless performance.

Just like chickpeas, hummus makes up for the lack of vitamins such as A, B, C, K and E, and a very important trace element - iron. Magnesium and sodium in the composition of the dish increase resistance to stress.

Photo: Pixabay

How to eat hummus

Traditionally, hummus is eaten without forks and spoons: they put it on a flat plate, smear it around the edges, and then break off a piece of thin unleavened flatbread (pita) and scoop up a snack with it. It is smeared on bread, crackers, tortillas, bread rolls. Spread hummus on your favorite bread, crackers, or tortillas as a spread.

Hummus can also be used as a dressing with fresh, julienned vegetables or with crispy vegetables. If you make it a little more liquid, you get a sauce for meat, fish or chicken. On the festive table, we advise you to stuff eggs with hummus instead of pate. Great to include hummus in your morning meal.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does hummus taste like
  2. Health Benefits of Hummus
  3. How to eat hummus