Healthy Foods: All the Benefits of Brazil Nuts

10.06.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

The Brazil nut is a tasty, satisfying nut that has a number of health benefits. In the article we will talk about all the benefits of the nut and how it should be added to your diet.

Benefits of brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are a good source of arginine. It is an amino acid that promotes blood clotting.

In addition, the nut contains antioxidants that are important for the prevention of cardiovascular and other diseases.

Brazil nuts contain fat (more than 60%), which is unsaturated fat, which helps to lower cholesterol.

Brazil nuts help prevent the development of liver diseases, obesity; promotes the regeneration of kidney tissue, normalizes hormonal levels and improves male fertility.


How many nuts can you eat per day

Since brazil nuts are a fairly high-calorie product, add no more than 3 pieces per day.

How to Include Brazil Nuts in Your Diet

You can eat Brazil nuts raw, roasted, salted.

In cooking, the nut is used for baking, ice cream and desserts.

In addition, Brazil nuts can be added to cold dishes, sauces and salads.

Dishes with the addition of nuts acquire a pleasant texture and taste.

By adding brazil nuts to your diet, you will not only get useful vitamins and minerals, but also prevent the development of many diseases.

Brazil nuts are also a great option for a snack, as the product satisfies hunger and gives energy very well.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Benefits of brazil nuts
  2. How many nuts can you eat per day
  3. How to Include Brazil Nuts in Your Diet