Healthy Foods: Benefits of Ghee and How to Use It

07.06.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Ghee takes much longer to melt and it is more thoroughly refined of protein.

Benefits of Ghee Oil

Ghee contains butyrate, which plays an important role in the health of the digestive system and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Several scientific studies have shown that the oil helps maintain healthy insulin levels.

It is a mixture of low molecular weight fatty acids. Unlike butter, ghee is quickly and fully absorbed. It does not contain lactose, toxic components, refractory fats. It is allowed for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women.

When heated, ghee does not form carcinogens, so you can even fry on it without harm to health.

How to eat ghee the right way

Ghee butter, just like regular butter, can be spread on bread, added to porridge or pastries. You can even eat it with a spoon, just don't get carried away. In Vedic cooking, it is believed that ghee will decorate almost any dish, the main thing is not to eat these dishes cold or drink them with hot tea with spices.


Where Can Ghee Be Used

You can use ghee at home for cooking first courses, vegetable stews, cereals, pasta, rice, pancakes and fritters, meat sauces, vegetarian cutlets, zrazy and meatballs.

What to do if ghee burnt out

If during the preparation of ghee it burnt and turned dark, this does not mean that it is spoiled. Remove the butter from the heat, let it cool, and then taste it. If it is only slightly burnt, it can still be used - it will give a more pronounced caramel flavor.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Benefits of Ghee Oil
  2. How to eat ghee the right way
  3. Where Can Ghee Be Used
  4. What to do if ghee burnt out