How to brew green tea: What many do not know about

26.05.2023 15:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Green tea is perfect for quenching thirst in hot weather.

Although some varieties of green tea require different temperatures or steeping times, these tips apply to the most popular ones.

Brewing perfect green tea is no subtle art, but it still has a few nuances you should know about.

Pick high-quality green tea

Choose loose-leaf green tea from a reputable source. The quality of the tea leaves can greatly impact the taste and aroma of the brewed drink.

Measure the tea leaves

Use a teaspoon or a tea scoop to measure the desired amount of tea leaves. Generally, use about 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves per 8-ounce cup of water.

green tea

Heat the water

Unlike black tea that requires boiling water, green tea is more delicate and can be easily overbrewed if exposed to excessively hot water. The optimal temperature for it is between 160°F and 180°F. Use filtered and clean water only.

Preheat your teapot or teacup

To help maintain the right temperature, you can preheat your teapot or teacup by rinsing it with hot water and then discarding the water before adding the leaves.

Steep the tea

Place the tea leaves in a teapot and pour the hot water over them. Cover the teapot to retain heat and steep for the appropriate duration. Generally, steep green tea for about 1 to 3 minutes. Longer steeping times can make your tea bitter.

Strain and serve

Strain the brewed tea leaves using a fine mesh strainer or a tea infuser. 

Brew it properly and enjoy!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Pick high-quality green tea
  2. Measure the tea leaves
  3. Heat the water
  4. Preheat your teapot or teacup
  5. Steep the tea
  6. Strain and serve